It’s something that we all struggle with on occasion, or maybe we struggle with it MORE than just on random occasions. All these thoughts run around in our heads feeding us random lines of excuse. Filling our brains with all the reasons we just can’t fit in our workout for the day. Common thoughts are. “I just finished eating”, or “I am so burnt out today”, or “I just don’t have the time to fit it in”. I know these feelings all too well because I deal with my own self destructive patterns when it comes to working out. So in an effort to help us all overcome our workout objections and procrastinations, I have compiled a list of suggestions to help combat workout derailment.

~WORKOUT IN THE MORNING This suggestion is something continually recommended in all the reading I have ever done on getting your workout done for the day. If you would rather get your workout out of the way, and not have to worry about it the rest of the day, this option is most definitely for you. Now, if you are not a morning person like me, this may not work for you. I have tried working out in the morning and most days it just feels like I am dragging, so I work out around two or three. But I know plenty of people who solidly work out in the morning and they love it. They love it because they have accomplished their workout goal early, and they feel great the rest of the day.

~SLEEP IN YOUR WORKOUT CLOTHES A tip I actually got from someone I met on twitter, her name currently escapes me. She says the best thing to do is sleep in your workout clothes (clean ones of course, lol). Then you will be all ready for your workout, all you have to do then is just slip on a pair of shoes. It makes things a lot easier if your objection is I just don’t feel like getting my workout clothes on.

~SCHEDULE YOUR WORKOUT TIME AND STICK TO IT I think one of the best things you can, do whether you are a morning workout person or night workout person, is to schedule out a time during the day that you know you will set aside for your workout. The time you set aside will have to be a time that you know you will make yourself a priority, and at a time that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt you will stay true to. If you let everyone around you know that you have set aside this time for your health and wellness, and that excluding any emergencies that time is set aside for you and is not to be compromised, people will then get the idea that you are not to be bothered and will respect your workout time.

~MAKE SURE YOUR WORKOUT PROGRAM IS FULL OF VARIETY It is is very important to use variety in your workout. Getting bored with your workout is very common and something that can deter your workout commitment in a big way. Not only do your muscles become used to the workout you are doing therefore seeing less of a challenge. Your mind gets used to the same old thing day in day out too! Mix it up for variety it’s the spice of life.

~SET REALISTIC GOALS FOR WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO ACHIEVE Setting unrealistic goals for yourself is a big way to derail your motivation and inclination to stick to your workouts. First of all realize that if you have a lot of weight to lose it most likely didn’t get there over night. Therefore it is unrealistic to expect that the weight will come off more quickly then you put it on. Set realistic goals for yourself. While you’re major goal may be to lose 50 pounds total, split your big goal in to mini goals. Take it 10 pounds at a time and then reward yourself with something you want each time you hit a new milestone. It feels a whole lot less overwhelming this way.

~PLAN OUT YOUR WORKOUTS Planning out your workout is a great thing to do to keep you on track. This way all you will have to focus on is doing the workout. Personally I am currently doing the Turbo Fire workout and am following the standard schedule included with the program, but have also added to the schedule using Chalean Extreme (made my own hybrid schedule) since I prefer to use my Bowflex weights instead of bands. When I go to do my workouts for the day I already know what will have to be done, no extra thought necessary. My only focus needs to be on getting through the workout and doing the best I can. Planning your workouts will help you to do that.

~REMEMBER YOU ARE THE GREATEST OBSTICLE TO YOUR SUCCESS It is as simple as this. Your mind is the greatest obstacle to your personal success. If your focus on fitness has mentally gotten off track, take a step back and re-motivate yourself mentally. Be sure to remind yourself of all the reasons why it is important to stay fit, happy and healthy. Rededicate yourself to the most important asset and cause that you have, YOURSELF! --

Christina Lynn Myers Hearts A-Flutter Enterprises, LLC.


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