Interval training has been the basis for athletic training routines for years. The first forms of interval training, called "fartlek" involved alternating short, fast bursts of intensive exercise with slow, easy activity. Fartlek was casual, unstructured training that perfectly fit its English translation: "speed play."



Warm - up : walking lunge with DB shoulder rows

SUPERSET THE FOLLOWING TWICE EACH PAIR....1min rest in between pairs

Jammer - single side squat to push R x 15 L x 15

Hoist Bar jump assist pull ups...x25 as fast as possible



Ingredients needed:

1 whole grain english muffin

1 egg

1 slice low fat american cheese

1 slice canadian bacon


A re-cap of my Chelan Man Try-A Tri race based on pictures my sister took of the day…

9:00 I’m posing for pictures with family and friends, loving on my daughter telling her how much I love her. She’s telling me how funny I look in my wet suit and cap but that I’m strong and I’m gonna win. We’re watching the younger age groups start and many are getting pulled from the water before making the first corner, the water is rough and on nerves. My nerves seemed to be calm, I’m happy to be finally at the starting line, ready and anxious to be out there giving it all I’ve got!




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